Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Finding My Way

You know, I really like my subbing work.  Yet, I am not really up to new school after new school.  I now realize that those are the days that stress me beyond belief.  Though, I have done it.  Though I CAN do it.  I think that I am going to work on working at the schools that I already know well.  Work on getting more "full time" work at those.  Because that's what I need right now.  I don't just need ANY work, I need work that helps build up my confidence as well as give me a paycheck.  So, I am going to pray to work at those schools  where I feel comfortable for now.
That is a big step for me.  It has taken me these couple of weeks to realize that I don't have to do everything and be strong enough on every front.  I get to choose what is most important and how to face it.  And I can give myself grace when I can't do it.  Or when it feels like too much.
I can face a lot.  But I don't have to make it harder.  I can choose to do the things that I know that I can do well and feel good about.  I can choose to give myself the same benefit of kindness that I would give another if she were in my shoes.  I don't do that often.  I push myself until I absolutely can't do it.  However, it seems that I am learning a new way.  Finding my way.  In a new time of life.  I'm finding that I don't have to take the hard way to punish myself or to prove myself.  I can simply prayerfully and carefully......choose.
grace to you.

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