Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

God's Chosen

Junkies.  Divorcees.  Prostitutes.  Liars.  Rapists.  Thieves.  Embezzlers.  Adulterers.  Idol worshipers.  Sick.  Weak.  Ugly.  Depressed.  Deceitful.  Stubborn.  Gossips.  Failures.  Murderers.  Power mongers.  Homeless.  Diseased. Gamblers.  Wanderers. 
So many images come to mind in modern day America when we think of God's chosen.  The church has become a place for the elite.  Those who dress well, smell good and have a pedigree.  It is a place for people who know how to make it look good even if it isn't good.  And though there has been a movement toward acknowledging that each person is broken and in need of grace and forgiveness, the pervasive attitude is that some are "too" broken or "too" sinful or "too" unrepentant.  But, God is not like us.  Not at all.  And over and over and over and over again, in the Bible, there are stories of those who are great failures by every standard, who can't stand or stay faithful.  And yet, their story changes as He uses their lives......though, as might be noted, some of them still don't change.  Yet, He chooses them, uses them, puts their names in the history books.  Not as people who deserve glory, but as people who brought Him glory.
Forgiveness in the church is made out to be an acceptance of behavior once the behavior is renounced.  But, true forgiveness is deeper.  It is "while we are yet sinners".  And, forgiveness does not always fix a relationship laterally.  On this earth.  In this place.  But, it does "fix" the heart of those giving it.  It does restore relationship vertically...with God Himself.  Behaviors are just that...behaviors.  They can harm or do good.  But none of them buy favor and none of them destroy favor.  There is no sin that can place us out of God's reach.  There is no lifestyle that can keep Him from seeking us.
Yet, His chosen are not the ones who sit in the buildings.  Oh, many of them are as well.  But, it seems that many of those are the "gatekeepers" of an exclusive club.  Working hard to keep up attendance and appearances while never delving into the great plan that could unfold if all were to see that each has the potential to be the vilest offender.  That not one stands pure.  That when weighing sin, God does not use our scales.  That none deserve grace more.....or less.
I have felt what it feels like to be on the unacceptable list.  I have endured the looks.  The whispering.  The chastising.  And it breaks my heart for those who are still lost.  Still alone without the Great Love.  Who judge themselves based on what they are shown by church people....and find that they are unworthy.  How I wish that Christ's people would show them that it's all just one big messy family with a tremendous amount of sin and pain...and that one sin weighs the same as thousands on God's scale.  And that One can wipe it all out and make the balance read zero.  Not just for past sin....but for present and what is to come. 
God's chosen have nothing to do with how good they are.  Or how religious.  Or where they live.  Or whom they live with.  Or what they believe or think they believe.  It has to do with His plan.  With His bringing glory to Himself by changing stories.  By making a difference.  By showing compassion.  Mercy.  Judgement.  And by paying the price for everybody who believes...not just those who look like they get it all together and put on the right clothes and face.  Nope.  Everybody.  Every sin.  Every day.  Every moment.  Covered.  Just by saying yes.
Heaven is gonna be......quite a shock, I think.  Can't begin to imagine who is going to be there, but reading the Bible, I think that it's going to be an interesting dinner party.
grace to you.

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