Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Monday, October 24, 2011


Today I began a book.  I applied for a book competition and the finished product is due in about three months.  Hmmm.  Perhaps I should have started sooner?  Maybe, but don't tell my heart that.  My heart is so proud of me today.  I wrote a prologue.  I even saved it....oh, wait, I'm not sure I did when I exited.  Be right back.  Whew.  It's still there and safe.  I did go in and save.  Just in case.  It's like going in and checking that your newborn is still breathing....when you were in there five minutes before.  A good kind of protectiveness. 
Honestly, I don't know if I have what it takes to write a book.  I don't know if the story I have to tell will touch anyone.  I don't know if the words and the way I put them together will even come close to connecting with anyone.  But, it's not really about that.  It's about having a passion.  It's about believing wholeheartedly that we all have a story and that each of us are given a way to share that story......via a passion....art, music, writing, researching, flying....whatever it is, our passions open the doors to share our story with others.  To bring hope.  To share in what it means to simply be human. 
So, I began.  It wasn't easy.  I had to find a desktop publisher on my newish laptop.  Had to be sure that it would be the right one for sending the manuscript (ooh, I like that word) to the contest, had to set up the font and spacing to meet the requirements.  Had to actually DO IT.  Hard to do.  A big step.  A commitment to myself.  Something to overcome as well.....that I am my own person with my own story.  And that I am a writer.  Maybe not a great writer.  Maybe simply average.  But that writing is crucial to me.  And that I intend to write. And write.  And write.  For the rest of my life.
Many things I might not do, but this is a part of me that must be recognized.  That must be given an opportunity.  Not for publishing sake, but for the sake of my soul.  To fulfill the dreams and hopes and desires that are a part of the deepest part of me.  A passion that cannot be described or tethered.  Like a wild horse being released from captivity.  Running.  Free.  Breathing the air.  Whinnying. 
It's only a beginning.  It will require a lot of editing.  Blech, I'm sure.  But, I began.  And that makes me feel proud.
grace to you.

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