Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Praying for Pillows

A long time ago....in my mind, at least....I had a business.  It started as somewhat of a miracle.  A total God action that pushed me and my business partner into the world of retail.  It began as..pillow making.  I know, crazy.  Unexpected.  Totally out there.  I am no seamstress, but it turns out that I can cut really straight! And figure out the math since we used our own pattern.  Nor was I a business person.  But, the business began and the pillows were "hot".  What I remember so vividly is not the money....though they commanded a pretty penny...I remember the commitment to pray for each pillow and the person who would buy it.  I still do things like that now.  Because that experience of "praying for pillows" changed my life.  It made me realize how I could ask God's blessings on those that I would never meet nor know.  How He could foresee who it would be and begin blessing them and making Himself known to them.  The best part for me was learning that God could use who I was...a little shy, but caring....but, not an evangelist. 
This knowledge crosses my mind every day in my present life.  God is not waiting for me to be a specific type of person with specific gifts or attributes.  He just wants me to pray for my "pillows" and then watch Him work.  He wants me to care about people....not so that I can change them, but so that they can feel cared about.  And, that I can do.  With no agenda.  I guess that I remember this so frequently because I see that most people have an "agenda" for what people need to be, how they need to live...blah blah blah.  Thing is.....I don't have it all together.  I'm simply a journeyer on an adventure excited over each new turn and challenge.  All because of praying for pillows. 
grace to you.

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