Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

In the Small Things

God has been faithful all of my life.  Not only in the big things.  He meets me and makes sure the small things go ok too.  He cares.  For me.  For my home.  For my family.  For my friends.  For those I meet.  For my finances.  For my worries. For every little detail. 
I am so thankful to know such a God.  Mostly, I am so thankful to be KNOWN by him.  To be held by Him.  To be seen.  Heard.  Cherished.  Loved.  Protected.  He is amazing.  I am small.  Yet, I mean the world to Him.  It's amazing. 
Though everything trembles......including me, much of the time.....He remains firm.  A stronghold.  A strong arm.  Everlasting.  And He keeps planning for my good. 
Frankly, lately it's really hard to see at times.  My heart becomes woefully heavy.  My soul gets the doldrums. But He remains light and hope.  He instills His spirit within me and keeps me walking.
A woman today said, "you are just such an amazing woman...."  and it completely took me by surprise.  A good kind.  A wonderful kind.  But I wanted to cry.  I said thank you, but she will never know how much I needed to hear that.  I need to remember it.  I'm not better than others....but I am amazingly and wonderfully made.  By the One who IS faithful.  I forget.  Get weighed down by guilt.  I need to remember.  I need to see Him, even in the small things.

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