Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Friday, March 18, 2011

It Is What It Is

I keep wallowing in regret.  And yet, today, I reminded myself......it is what it is.  It's not bigger than it is.  It's not smaller than it is.  It just is.  The circumstances are what they are.  I cannot change them.  My worrying does not end them.  I have to live each day.  I am excited tonight to see one of my sons do something really brave and totally his personality.  I keep reminding all of them how uniquely God has created them.  Same two parents, all different kids.  It's amazing.  Their own looks, skills, personalities, strengths, weaknesses......so amazing. 
I simply want to remember.  Circumstances do not create my value.  I keep trying.  It's realy hard.
The other day I nearly stopped by the women's shelter.  Just to be able to say out loud how lousy it feels to be in this predicament. 
I am a strong woman.  Able.  Yet, I am very sensitive.  Some don't know it.  Those who don't, don't know me.  Those who think I'm simply thick skinned are sorely mistaken.  I am strong.  Able to face many things.  But I am not hard.  I do not want to become hard.  Nor bitter.  So, though this time is what it is, I know that I can't immerse myself in it too deeply......or I will drown in the bitterness and despair. 
I have to go....borrowed time is over.  I will go and be happy.  I am blessed.

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