Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I Believe

I believe:
that i  have value.  not more than others.  but equal.  unique.
that life is full of twists and turns and that each one can bring good.
that i am called to live fully.  to seek truth.
that i am loved.  though sometimes unlovable.  though imperfect.  loved.  beloved.
that i am full of purpose.  that my life has meaning.
that i was created. not an accident.  not a mishap.  a plan.  a poem.  a song. a work of art.
that hope is my choice.  that love is my gift.  that joy is my lot in life.
that holding on is good.  but that letting go is sometimes necessary.
that i get to choose.  that i was given the ability and right to do so.  and the wisdom.
that getting away is a necessity.  to clear the heart and mind.  to "reset".
that my life affects many.  both for good....and bad.
that i deserve forgiveness.
that i must forgive in order to live.
that being falsely kind is not a gift.
that i make a difference in ways that i don't even see and am not aware of.
that the things that i fail to do are as impactful as the things which i do.
that i am not defined by what others think of me.  though i am lifted up or wounded....never defined.
that i am uniquely gifted.  though i often have trouble seeing how.
that what i see is not the whole picture.
that i can change a day with a smile.  a kind word.
that a plan is just a maybe...that life is what actually happens.  and that if i get those confused then i've missed the point.
that there are those who were put here to help to cheer me on and give me the courage to become what i was meant to be.
that i have creative abilities that are more than i've ever experienced.
that this day is the most important day of my life.  because this is the only day that i can change anything.
that all of these things are true for you too.  that you are here for a purpose.
grace to you.  and....blessings

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