Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Then. Now.

Tonight, I drove my daughter and a friend to their once a week youth group.  He's a boy.  No, it's not a romantic interest.  They have known one another for their whole lives.  They are friends.  They care for one another.  She bosses him.  He protects her.  She is 12 days older.  He is much bigger.  When they were small, people would assume that they were twins.  They would often ride in the double stroller together.  Both have brown hair and dark eyes.  His more hazel.  Hers more brown.  Though, they both change at different moments.  Both are dark complected. A couple of years ago, they dressed as twins in middle school and since they were much more comparable in size at that point, they were mistaken for each other during the day.  That always makes them laugh.
 And, from the time they were very small, he would watch out for her.  We have a photo of him holding her hand in the tall grass at an open space park.  He was helping her to walk through it because it scared her.  And tonight, in this time, more than a decade later, I watched as they exited my car and walked side by side to enter the church.  He, much broader and taller.  She, smaller and becoming curvy.  He walked with that bit of a swagger that young men get when taking care of someone.  I stopped to watch.  To enjoy the moment.  They came to the door, he opened it.  He let her go first.  She paused inside and they walked to the next entrance together...close, not touching....and again, at this door, he stopped, moved aside and allowed her to precede him into the building.  He treated her with such respect.  And, so naturally.  Not because someone was telling him to.  Not because he was trying to get her to like him.  Just simply because they are close.  I loved the moment.  I will cherish it.  Unfortunately, there won't be a picture to add to the one from their preschool years, but it will remain in my mind.  And in my heart.
They are so different.  But they respect and care for one another.  It brings tears to my eyes.  They have something very special.  Something that makes them stronger in their other friendships.  It's a blessing.  What's funny is that they probably don't even know how spectacular it is.  They haven't ever been without one another.  They go to school together and church.  They run cross country together.  They play in band together.  They believe in one another.  It's a gift.  I was blessed to get to see it and remember all over again how good God is to provide.
And, I was also thinking about how my daughter expects for young men to respect her.  And I'm thankful to her friend for being that in her life so that she has grown accustomed to it.  Oh, NEVER think that they don't laugh and cut up and act silly.  That's true too.
Blessed.  Totally.  By just the little things.
grace to you.

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