Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Step by Step

I take a step each day.  I am still learning to speak more openly.  To celebrate my little victories.  I am learning to keep walking.  Even when I am not feeling like it.  Because, much like when I take a hike up a mountain, at first it is burdensome.  It's hard to get going.  But, as I labor and keep going, step by step, the trip becomes an adventure and the scenery becomes beautiful.  As I walk through this emotional journey step by step, life gets more beautiful as I speak truth and learn to walk in a healthy way.  God loves me.  And step by step I am learning that He is not going to leave me.  When I started this blog, I thought that if I put it all out there and was completely honest about how life is that one of two things would happen in my life with Him.  Either I would be told to suck it up and make it work or I would be abandoned.  Never in my wildest thinking did I imagine that God Himself would journey with me to this place in life.  That He would strengthen me by His spirit.  That He would hold me close and comfort me.  I am........amazed.  Because step by step, I am learning how big He is.  And how light He wants to make my load.  
I haven't completed the journey.  I'm still walking.  As long as I'm breathing, that will be true.  But as I take each step, I am growing in confidence.  I am growing in strength.  I am growing in the ability to once again decide and take responsibility for my own life.  
I am finally able to manage knowing that some people are going to be very unhappy with me for saying that I want to be separated.  Some will be downright angry.  But, that's ok.  I don't have to please them.  They can love me or not.  And I am learning, step by step, that each kind of relationship will help me to grow into the woman I really want to be.  
Step by step.  Some days my feet get tired and I'm thirsty and feeling whiny.  But that's ok.  I have a Daddy's lap to retreat to.  And He is willing to carry me on up the trail after we rest for awhile.  I don't walk alone.  And I don't have to worry about what will come.  He has it.  He gets it.  He knew before I knew.  And, He wept for my pain when I was still thinking that I had to perform to please Him.  
grace to you.

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