Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Ready. Willing. Able. Not interested.

Today I really worked through my feelings about my pending interview.  I prayed.  At first, I thought that I really WAS  a coward.  But, after awhile, I realized that I really don't want that job.  It would mean giving up too many things.  The drive is easily 45 minutes each way...on a clear day.  And, the school hours would mean that I would never get to take my kids to school nor pick them up.  Add to that the fact that taking an hour and a half out of the day would simply take away time to write or do things that I am loving, and it just wasn't a good fit.  On top of all of that, I'm not sure that adding the stress of a long drive, not seeing my kids in the morning AND the new full time job to my life of sleeping on a chair is really a good choice.  And, that's the thing....it's a choice. My choice.  I prayed.  I thought.  I wondered if I should take it just because it was a job....and then I remembered the kids...the ones I'd be teaching....I want to do it with the best I've got, not with reservations.  So, for this instance, I called and said that I'd be pursuing something else for now.
I should have known that I needed to be listening when I had 4 days lined up at the school I love for next week alone!!!  And, there is a full time job that isn't teaching if I want to pursue that.  No work at home is a good thing right now since I tend to freeze up and become pretty useless when my husband is home.
I'll keep looking, but I will also keep my mind and heart aware of how I really feel and think.  I don't want to make a decision just because it is an opportunity...I want to choose the best opportunity for me.
grace to you.

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