Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


tis the season of being thankful.  of being joyful.  of family.  tis the season to remember the blessing that have been given.  to focus upon what is had.  i am thankful for family.  oh, i get completely wrecked sometimes when i wish or cry out for MY family.  for my mama.  and i still wish that she could have been a part of my life.  not that it would make it all ok.  not that she would necessarily have understood nor supported.  it's hard to know about that.  but because with our mama, we are allowed to assume that they SHOULD support.  and my mama did love me.  so, it follows that she would have been here loving me even now.
but in this season of family, of thankfulness, i have to say that i am abundantly thankful.  i have a god given family.  not all by blood nor even marriage.  mostly...by god's church.  his family that he shares with me.  his children, my cousins and brothers and sisters.  my aunts and uncles.  i look around in my life at the amount of wonderful people that i get to walk along with in life.  at the people that i will share thanksgiving day with.  i am truly blessed.
my heavenly father knows my heart.  he knows the hearts of others.  he fits us together and gives us family.  gives us hope.  gives us others to laugh and cry with.  he gives us people to be real with.  to hear and see.  to connect.  he meets so many needs.  every need.  not just for stuff or for money.  but for our hearts.  he is good.  always.  every day.  i am thankful for his goodness.
i am thankful for those spontaneous moments when i make a decision to do something and find that it was god's plan all along.  that whisper in the ear.  that idea.  it happened this week.  one of those life changing moments that i didn't recognize until i said the words, "would you like to come?"  those simple words brought life and hope to another's countenance.  it was beautiful.
i read a young person's post this week that declared that he was giving back his salvation.  that he doesn't believe anymore.  and i was not offended by his youthful boastings.  i was moved to remember his gift for declaring the lord.  i was moved to thankfulness that though things look difficult...this is just  a moment.  god indeed did save him.  for a purpose.  and in that purpose, he didn't declare that it would all be smooth and easy....only that he would be there.  so, i'm busily picturing god there.  in the midst of the rebellion.  loving.  working out his plan.  not bullying.  rather, letting the young man be real.
i am thankful for real.  i spent too long in a pretend real. false reality is crazy making.  living with my ex was a difficulty because how things looked were what was important.  i don't want the looks.  i want the real thing.  true peace.  kids that are growing and learning and NOT perfect.  learning to be loved by god....and by me...just where they are..how they are.
i have a family.  we are a motley crew.  people just resting in grace.  don't have it together.  facing each day with as much courage as we have....or don't have.  calling whatever is...enough.  being brave enough to trust god for each of the little things.
i want a new tradition or two this year.  new family.  first new thanksgiving.  i'm praying on it.  i'll let you know.

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