Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Saying What I Need

1.  I need you to slow down, sit down, take the time to let me warm up to what I need to say.....it takes me time to get there.
2.  I need you to ask me to be with you.
3.  I need you to see me.
4.  I need you to care about me enough to put aside things that are important to you sometimes.  Not always.  Just sometimes.
5.  I need you to put away your phone.
6.  I need you to understand how wounded I am.  And that I can't explain it all.
7.  I need you to trust me.
8.  I need you to be near me.
9.  I need you to be for me.
10.  I need you to verbalize to me your support and love.

I have needs.  And though I will never say them, I am learning that it's ok to have them, long for them and expect them.
I am important.
Not more important than others...but not less either.

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