Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Uncomfortable...but finding peace

My body is not doing well.  I knew it all last weekend.  I am weak.  I hurt.  Quite a bit probably...since I'm used to pain, so it is hard for me to judge how it is.
I was supposed to have aleve tonight.  I just couldn't go out yet again.  So, tylenol and a glass of wine it is.  Supposed to have a heating pad.....but, I managed to scrounge up the hot water bottle.
I texted my son when he was supposedly at the store getting food for the dinner....turns out he went to wendy's, so no meds for me.  Not to mention that he never got my message....nor offered to bring me food as well.  sigh.  But, the point is that they kids got fed.
I had a hot soak in the tub.  I found the hot water bottle.  I heated a can of soup.  I hit the bed by six.
I am hurting.  Uncomfortable.  It tends to worry me.  But, obviously, the doctor who has not called back...again...is not worried.
So, I go back to my mantra that I've had in my head for years....I will not die one moment before God allows.  No matter what this world throws at me.  So, I'm going to manage my pain so that I can function.  And I'm going to rest.  Just rest.  Take a load of tylenol.....because that is what I have.....refill my hot water bottle once more...if I can manage to get up.  And I'm going to keep that leg up and just choose rest.  Real rest.
Peace.  It comes from God.  From knowing that He holds me.

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