Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Still Trying

Well, today is kind of a wash.  I pruned my indoor plants.  With a shop vac....ok they are outdoor plants that i've brought in for the winter.  I'm lousy with indoor plants, but I thought that I'd try.  Of course, you may not think that I'm trying really hard since I used a shop vac, but there was a lot of dead stuff...it worked very well.
So, I didn't accomplish much.  Though I thought that I would.
I went out to breakfast with a friend.  It rather...drained me.  I told her a large portion of my story.  And, I didn't realize how it depleted me to do so until after I got home.  The rest of the day, I vegged out.  I pushed away the depression that threatened, but I didn't force myself to do the things that I had planned.  I gave myself time.
I invited her out.  And again...on yet another day.....I have learned that if I don't reach out, I am solo.  Oh well.  It's probably for the best.  I'm not the greatest company apparently.  My friends aren't flocking to me.  I'm sure that I'm "that" friend.  The wearing one.  So, I think that I should probably let go.  I keep thinking that.  I just haven't been able to.  It's so hard.  I so want to be loved on by those that I invested my life in.  But I also know that others have needs.  That they can't separate from my husband just because I wish they would.  And, they can't feel how desperate I am because really....I'm rather invisible.  And that is my fault.  Because though I thought that I was doing the "right" thing.....I allowed what happened.  Though I hated it.  I was trying so hard.  But I allowed myself to disappear.  So....nobody sees me.  Non entity.  But eventually.....maybe they will enjoy this woman who is returning.  I hope so.  It would be healing.
I made it through today.  Here I am.
Resting.  I'll work tomorrow.  Or not.

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