Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Blessed for a Purpose

Looking around, I see an awful lot of blessed people.  Educationally.  Nutritionally.  Financially.  Electronically.  Socially.  Spiritually.  In every way they can be blessed.  I see it.  But more, I live it.  I am among the blessed.  I don't go without.  And when I do....or have...it hasn't been much.  I have more than stuff, I have people.  I have love.  I have hope.  I have joy.  I have blessing after blessing.  Given without expectation of my ever being able to "repay".  But, it makes me thankful.  It makes me humble.  It makes me want to share what I have and who I am.  Because I wasn't blessed so that I can simply be happy.  I was blessed so that I can pass it along.  Love.  Joy.  Finances.  Relationship.  Hope.  Education.  You name it.....it's there in me to share with others.  I can't make a huge impact in the whole world.  I'm not a billionaire.  Yeah, sorry, if you were reading this blog in hopes of getting to know me and getting rich or something...well, you'll have to read elsewhere for getting rich financially. ;) 
Blessed.  To give.  To share.  To hear when it's time to give.  To know what to give.  To know when not to give.  To receive.  The blessing of having and sharing is that it increases the blessings of relationship.  It builds us up.  It builds others up.  It makes us all stronger.
This is who I am.  My spiritual gift is NOT giving.  Surprise.  But, it is something that I have learned to grow into.  If I have.....then it's way more wonderful to share than to try to keep having more. 
I am blessed.  For a purpose.  Even though I'm also a mess.  And so are you. 
grace to you.

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