Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Notice to All Meanie Heads

See, this time I didn't put butt heads!  That's what I meant....ok.
Notice to all meanie heads:
Due to having found my own life and having taken responsibility for my own choices, decisions, successes and failures, I will no longer being needing your input into my life.  You may cease feeling a need to feel any responsibility for making me understand all of the things that are my responsibility.  I got it.  And...strangely, I'm ok with it.  I can be wrong.  I can be mistaken.  I can make mistakes.  Heck, I can even downright, outright fail.  I'm ok with that.  I can be without a clue.  I can totally mess up.  I can walk down the wrong road.  I can figure it out.  I understand fully and completely that I am not perfect.  That I am not even close.  And I don't need your help with that.  Nor do I need your help to explain how ludicrous or far fetched my dreams are.  I don't need you to talk to the community at large about my sins, troubles, discouragements, failures, or...particularly...lies about me.  But, if you do.  Oh well.  I am still responsible for how I live.  You have no control in my life.  Because I have taken away your power.  And I didn't have to lift a finger against you.  I simply close you out of my decision making, emotions, and particularly out of people that I think of as friends.  Because, if you want to spend so much time being a meanie head to me....really, why should I consider you a friend?  Really?  How are you different than an enemy?  Because I was nice to YOU.  Hate to burst your bubble, but friendship, relationships....they are not all take.  And they are especially not all take while you walk around all puffed up acting like you are doing me a favor.
I don't need that kind of favor.  While I might struggle with it at the moment, I am worth so much more than that.  Simply because I was created with a purpose.  And I am going to find the purposes for my life.  And whether it be to have great successes or great struggles, I am going to enjoy every last one.  Fully.  Breathing and knowing that I am cherished by my Author.  Yep, He's an author.  I was created in His image.  Wrote a great book, He did.  Been around quite a long time on the best sellers lists.  I think I'm going to walk in my Father's footsteps.  I'm going to leave this rabbit trail you have been on....heading nowhere and acting like I am uninformed and irresponsible.  The greatest thing in the world to waste isn't energy.  Nor heat.  Nor money.  Nor gas.  Nor time.  The greatest thing to waste is the potential given to us in the gifts bestowed.....by always being afraid.  You are always afraid.  Meanie heads have that in common.  Afraid of being found out.  Afraid of not being as good.  Or as popular.  Afraid of everything.  Well, I'm not afraid to fail.  Done it.  It's just fine.  And, it makes the victories taste even better.
So, pack your bags and leave my head.  I don't need any meanie head voices telling me what to do.  Have a great trip.  Enjoy your own company.
grace to you.

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