Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Friday, September 16, 2011


Life is called a journey for a reason.  We are supposed to be moving, moving on, going someplace, headed in a direction.  Sometimes we stop for refreshment.  Sometimes we stop because we are afraid of the terrain that lies ahead.  Or, sometimes we are sick or simply too tired to travel on.  Sometimes we find something of interest that stops us in our tracks to enjoy the beauty.  But, overall, we are to be moving on.  Toward who we are becoming.  Toward completing purposes that are unique to each of us.  A journey isn't staying at the rest stop forever.  I mean, who wants to live at the highway rest stop?  The rest stop provides a marvelous service, but it is not the goal.  A journey isn't hunkering down and living at the gas station/convenience store.  Gassing up is important.  While that is a crucial part of a journey, stopping there would mean accepting something so much less than the REAL journey.  What's the point of getting gas or filling yourself up if you're not going anywhere?  A journey isn't living in the airport terminal.  Though the people watching can be nice, watching others go to and return from places should not be enough to sustain us.  We must be going on ourselves.
But, in our journey in life, sometimes we stop and forget to get moving again.  Unforgiveness is a big reason for stopping.  Blaming someone for taking away potential or what might have been.  Fear is another huge one.  We don't know what lies ahead and instead of risking, we pull up the blanket and let the days go by.  Depression is a sure way to quit traveling on the journey.  It says, "I can't....." until eventually, I won't.
Everyone needs to stop for gas, get some food, enjoy the beauty, go in the airport......everyone needs to get built up, cherish the moments, and watch the people....but, it can't stop the journey.  The journey is meant to be taken one day at a time.  One moment at a time.  With faith that there will be enough places along the way to sustain us.  God goes before us.  Provides a way.
And even when we are exiting a bad marriage and all of the people around us seem to be saying how wrong or evil we are.....we aren't responsible to get them going on their journey.  We are responsible for continuing on ours.
Remember when Jesus said to the disciples that if someone didn't welcome them they should shake the dirt off their sandals and keep on going?  Well, I think that is a picture of the journey.  Of forgiveness actually....forgive it, let it go and get moving.  You have places to go and lives to touch.  Things to learn and adventures to be had.  Don't waste the journey wailing about how the one house didn't receive you.  MOVE ON.
I'm learning.  A bit at a time.  Now...for some more moving on.
grace to you.

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