Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

The World Doesn't Stop

You know, it's true that some things happen that make it feel like the world should stop turning.  People hurt me.  Give me sleepless nights.  Or, pain invades.  Or, disease.  Death comes and steals what comfort I had found in people around me.  And yet, the world keeps on going.  Keeps on rotating.  Keeps on creating new trees and flowers and calves and kittens.  And, that used to seem so unfair.  So, disrespectful.  It was as if it seemed like everything should stop in a moment of silence to observe my pain.  Now, I see it differently.
The fact that God set it up to keep on going is comforting.  New flowers are gifts every day.  New kittens.  New babies.  New sunrises.  New sunsets.  New rainstorms.  New relationships.  New songs.  New movies.  New stories.  Each moment is full of gifts.  Full of reminders of how great His love is for me.  And, I think, really at the core, it's His reminder to me that He makes ALL things new.....even me.  He doesn't simply pick me up dust me off.  He makes me new.  And He has to remind me of that because in that knowledge is hope.  Abiding hope.  I love the word "abide".  I was very young when I first learned it.  My heart, Christ's Home.........it talks about Christ abiding...moving in and settling down.  Cleaning up, cleaning out, resting, relaxing.  Not just coming for an occasional visit.  Abiding.  And what is really great is that in the midst of all of my troubles and hurts, victories and celebrations, He offers the same thing to me....to abide in Him.  In His love, rest, peace, truth, joy, patience, gentleness.  He offers it with the rent already paid.  All I have to do is move in. 
The world doesn't stop.  Sometimes the storms feel like hurricanes.  Other times, they feel refreshing and purifying.  The world doesn't stop because I can't stop.  This is a journey.  I have to wake up and walk along, drive alone, travel along....to find out what purpose there is for me.  Each day.  Each moment.  Because every breath is a gift.  Not talking about busyness.  Sometimes the purpose of my day is to hide out and recover.  Other it is to climb to the heights.  Still others, it's to soar up high.  Each day holds new possibility. Nothing is ever exactly the same again.  I know that is why He keeps all things running on schedule....so that I remember that I also am part of His plan.  With a purpose.  And, maybe with a bit of hope for others occasionally too.  Even when life is downright painful.
grace to you.

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