Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Simple Things.

I walked outside tonight with my wonderful yet somewhat eccentric dog.  He is obedient and well mannered.  He won't run off unless it's to chase a rabbit.  But, he won't go out on his own either.  If we had a fenced yard, he might...but, if you put him outside alone, he stands at the door and waits for you to go with him.  So, that's how I found myself out on this night, like other nights, marveling at the fact that we live just far enough out of the city to get to enjoy immense amounts of stars.  It's dark on our street.  And quiet.  Truly amazing.  Beautiful.  Inspiring.  Awakening.  Hope giving.  I stood on the path soaking up the beauty with my head tipped way back, breathing in the cool, fall air.  Then, I looked down...and there he was....waiting for me to tell him that he could go off and go potty.  Told you, eccentric.  But, hey, we got to enjoy the stars together. 
Such simple things that are so mind bogglingly uplifting.  I like keeping track of those kinds of moments.  Saying thanks for them.  I like to acknowledge them as a gift, precious and treasured. 
Part of my life is so hard.  I could deny the good.  Could see only the bad.  I could.  But why?  There is beauty all around me.  There are things that are jaw dropping amazing.  There is too much good in this world to let the things that are hard or harsh diminish them.  They scream out.  Begging for my attention.  Consistently showing up and awaiting my noticing.  I choose beauty.  I choose the glorious.  I choose this for my mind.  Though I can't change the other.  Though I really tried my hardest and the best it ever gets is fake good.  I still get to enjoy good.  Simple things.  Simply wonderful.
grace to you.

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