Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


The most important things are not writing nor math nor history nor science.  Knowing how to read changes nothing....if you don't read things that change life.  I am learning as I go to school...not as a student, but as a teacher.  The subjects are good disciplines. They pave the way for an easier future in our culture.  But, they don't stand alone.  Too many kids are being pushed academically and failing miserably in the things that matter most in the world.  Being able to say you are sorry.  And mean it.  Stopping to hear someone.  Listening to a rebuke.  Seeking wise counsel.  Education is perhaps at an elite status in that kids have access to more information and more fields of study than ever before.  But character has declined.  Kindness has been relegated to an extra.  When, in fact, it matters more than all of the other subjects.  What people tend to forget is that in order to use and have an impact with any knowledge, you have to be ale to interact with other humans.  We do not walk alone. 
My husband is smart.  He is able to discuss most anything.  But, he can't hug his kids.  He can't love feeling a sense of superiority.  Therein is the base of a problem.  Being a person is more than knowledge.  More than rules.  More than learning.  It is growing.  Becoming.  Understanding.  Forgiving.  Seeing.  Believing.  And....always knowing that we all stumble.  It's holding on and letting go.  It's........connecting.  As I see how he has missed out, I feel sad for him.  He has so much.  Missed out on what's so good.  Held onto the stuff.  Never figured out how to do the people on an intimate level.  Sorry...but not responsible.  I have tried for so long.  Saw it long ago.  Sad that he has hurt a couple of his kids so badly and he is oblivious.  Sad that he never connected with his wife except in an ownership and sexual way.  Sad.  And mad.  I was worth more.  Am. 
So, I teach.  To let kids know what is important.  An, in the midst, they learn a lot of other stuff too.  Because it's all connected.  Can't separate it.  Begin with....Hi, would you like to play with me....and progress to I'm sorry....from there, the rest of life sprouts.
grace to you.

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