Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


It's easy for me to be thankful.  It's such a blessing to reflect on good.  Today I was thinking about a friend saying that when she had gotten this really cool wood pieces that she was thinking of me...of knowing that I wanted a mantle!  Simple, right?  No way.  How nice when someone has us in their mind.  Has our needs and wants in sight.  It's a gift.  It's good. 
I have been blessed by knowing some incredibly kind and giving people.  I have been without a doubt changed by them.  They have not just done things for me...which, they have, often...but they have simply been present in my life. 
This is the good in life.  It's easy to let the cloud of shamefulness to overtake the sunshine of good.  But, as I've learned at the ocean...the sun burns off the clouds...eventually.  I want to live always knowing that the sun is there.  So that in the cloudy times I can stand and not fall.  I want to be full of good thoughts.  Kind actions.  Thoughtful words.  And I want to tell the truth. 
So, in this place, I say it all.  Like a cleansing.  So that I can live free to enjoy the good of life when I leave here.  But, it's not that the pain of what I share here goes away...it's simply that it's a place to "store" it.  To leave it so that I don't feel like I have to constantly carry it around and constantly deal with it.  For me, it's kind of like getting a locker at an amusement park.  It allows you the freedom of not worrying about your stuff while you go have a good time. 
Oh, it doesn't work completely.  Sometimes I am blindsided.  Sometimes I want to say a bad word regarding someone else.  Sometimes I want to throw a temper tantrum.  And...sometimes I do.  However, leaving it here, getting it all out, allows me to go on and focus on what is most important to me in my day.  It allows me to work and not worry.  It gives me a sense of security that I a not building up icky stuff. 
Because good is healthy.  And life giving.  And fulfilling.  I desire the good.
grace to you.

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