Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Take Care

There are days when I have to stop and remember, "take care." It's easy to say to others.  Easy to take care of others.  Harder with myself.  Today, I'm trying to remember for me.  Trying to take care of me.  I'm weak and weary....in so many ways.  I hate being sick. 
I've eaten cereal.  I know that I need to do better than that..but I just can't seem to get it into my heart to do so.  I've not felt well and now I've got to face the weekend of avoidance.  It's so....wearing.  I know also that I should be "doing", but all I can seem to do today is be checked out. 
Under the radar.  During work hours.  So tired. From being sick, I think.  Knocks down my other strengths too. 
Sometimes I forget to take care.  To let myself hurt.  Grieve.  Laugh.  Just simply enjoy.  Sometimes it's all just simply too much.  On those days....I must just take care of me.  If I possibly can.  Even if others need too.  It's not easy.  Too bad I'm not a genie...then I could do it all.  Including eating something decent.  And all I can think now is that I have to figure out what is for dinner.  Yikes.  Really?  Again?  Yep.  I'll try to keep it simple.  I'm having one of those "take care" days.  I have to remember that it's ok.....
grace to you.

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