Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Friday, September 2, 2011


I used to see a lot of movies.  I see a lot less now.  But, I saw "The Help."  Wow.  Women who shared their stories.  Their painful, unfair, hurtful, joyful, poignant, deeply moving, raw stories.  Shared their "sins", their hopes, their dreams, their mountains, their victories.  Women who exhibited courage when they had everything to lose....work, income, respect, friends, lives, family members.  They told the truth.  This movie won't hit everyone as it does me.....for me, it spoke volumes about MY life.  About how nobody asks "how do you feel about your life?"  Everyone assumes that if you make something really difficult work then you must enjoy your life.  That you must not have other hopes or dreams. 
Not true.  I have made this life work because I gave my word.  Because I wanted to love well.  Because I believe that God can do anything.  But, I made a grave mistake.....the truth was forsaken for unreality.  A false sense of what was permeated every aspect of life.  And, in time, the burden became too great to bear.  In the movie, the character said that when she spoke the truth....she felt free.  That's how writing has been for me.  It's like every time I write, every time I share, the false reality loses hold of me.  And, just like the women in the movie....there's no going back. 
I was out with my daughter and her friend as well as my friend, so I couldn't say why this movie touched me so deeply.  But it did. 
I speak.  Not only for me.  But for women around the world who find themselves stuck.  Find themselves unloved or abused or misused or mistreated.  For women who long to please God and struggle with how to do that.  I don't have the answers, all I have are the stories.  And in the truth of the stories is freedom.  Is strength.  Is a bond.  And therein is hope. 
grace to you.

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